3, 5, and 15! (For the ygo fandom ask)

3. Dub or Original

In my opinion, Yu-Gi-Oh is one of the better dubs by 4kids (yes, it did have a lot of problems, but it wasn’t One Piece levels of bad).  I did watch the sub, and it was pretty good as well.  Both the dub and sub have aspects I like, so I’m going to say that I like both!

5. Favorite opening/ending

I like the English theme.  And as for the Japanese, Shuffle (season 2) is my favorite opening, and my favorite ending is The Afternoon of that Day (Also season 2)

15. How did you get into Yu-Gi-Oh?

I’ve known about yugioh for a while, but I didn’t really get into it until around 4th-5th grade.  Since I was into Pokemon, and I collect the cards, I saw Yugioh cards with the pokemon cards, but I never really bought them.  I knew yugioh was the one show with the crazy-hair character, but I didn’t know much about other than that.

One day, I had just turned on the tv, and yuigoh gx was on.  Jaden was in the middle of a duel, and he had just used Winged Kuriboh.  I think that’s when I started to become interested, because Winged Kuriboh is cute, and it reminded me of pokemon.  Eventually, I started to collect the cards, and it all kind of went from there.  I started learning about the game, I started watching the older anime, and now here I am in the fandom today, answering questions like these!

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