Yu-Gi-Oh! fandom meme – ask away!


  • 1. Favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! series
  • 2. Anime or manga?
  • 3. Dub or original?
  • 4. Favorite season/story arc
  • 5. Favorite opening/ending
  • 6. Favorite character
  • 7. OTP
  • 8. Favorite antagonist/villain
  • 9. Favorite minor character
  • 10. Favorite Duel Monster
  • 11. Favorite spell card
  • 12. Favorite trap card
  • 13. Favorite deck archetype
  • 14. How long have you been in the fandom?
  • 15. How did you get into YGO?
  • 16. Have you made a friend through shared interest in YGO?
  • 17. Have you ever cried over YGO and why?
  • 18. A random headcanon
  • 19. Least favorite series
  • 20. Least favorite season/story arc
  • 21. Which Millennium Item would you want and why?
  • 22. Least favorite character
  • 23. NOTP
  • 24. Unpopular opinion?
  • 25. Do you play the TCG and if so, what type of deck do you use?
  • 26. Favorite YGO music (aside from openings/endings)
  • 27. Favorite YGO video game?
  • 28. Something you love about the fandom
  • 29. Something you would change about the fandom
  • 30. Favorite episode
  • 31. Favorite duel (because they are often a series of episodes)
  • 32. Favorite voice actor
  • 33. Favorite quote from a YGO character
  • 34. If you met Kazuki Takahashi, what would you say to him?

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